Unix Tutorial: Examples

Examples of Unix/Linux commands

Hi! I'm Gleb Reys and this is my page for collecting examples of Unix/Linux commands in addition to Unix Tutorial website.

Time and Date Commands

  • date - show current date and time in any format you like

  • uptime - report system stats since last reboot or power on

Working with Files and Directories

Filesystem navigation

  • ls - list files/directories

  • cd - change directory

  • pwd - confirm current directory

File management

  • cp - copy files/directories

  • rm - remove files and directories

  • mv - move (and rename) files/directories

  • chmod - change access permissions

  • chown - change ownership of a file or directory

Working with files

  • cat - show contents of a file; concatenate multiple files into one

  • grep - find text information using patters

  • touch - create empty file or refresh modification date for existing file

  • more - pager for contolled browsing of a text file

  • less - advanced pager for viewing text files

Disk Usage

  • du - show disk space consumed by a file or directory

  • df - show disk usage (free space and inodes)

Project by Unix Tutorial

Last updated